Synthetix Website

The Context

Synthetix has been operating since 2001, delivering outstanding customer service using its range of products from scalable Knowledge based integration for multi-channel contact centre platforms to AI driven Chatbots and Live Chats.

The requirements behind the 2020 re-fresh of the Synthetix website were based on re-aligning the website with new company branding and finding solutions to improve the conversion rate and lower the bounce rate to help boost lead generation.

My Role

As part of my project duties, I was tasked with reviewing the website and identifying areas that required enhancement. These areas included aspects such as font selection, colour usage, graphics & illustrations, and the revamping of critical pages like the product pages, homepage, blog, article, and contact page.

The Process

Throughout the project, I collaborated closely with the marketing team to ensure the messaging was accurate and effective. Additionally, I maintained regular communication with stakeholders, allowing me to gather valuable feedback during the design process.

In order to infuse the brand with more personality, I created new illustrations that would be prominently featured across the website. Furthermore, these illustrations would be incorporated into the Synthetix product suite to maintain consistency and playfulness throughout our products.

Given that we operate in a highly competitive B2B market, we recognised the need to differentiate ourselves by conveying clarity and trustworthiness. As such, our primary focus became emphasising our close collaboration with clients, providing personalised deployment and offering comprehensive assistance throughout the process.

The Impact

The new website has demonstrated significant improvements in its first 6 months of operation:

  • The conversion rate has increased by 24%, leading to a rise in lead generation.
  • The average bounce rate decreased by 12%.
  • Visitors are spending more time on the site, with an increase in both the number of pages visited per session (3.80) and the average duration of each session (approximately 5 minutes).

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